FY17 Final Budget Update

Final State Budget passed for FY17

After two rare weekend sessions, the state budget for FY17 has finally been passed.  With the unexpected shortfall of $45 million in state revenues, the budget process was even more challenging than usual this year.   Governor Baker vetoed some line items and reduced others, and the legislature overrode some but not all of the vetoes.  To see the final numbers, click here.

We thank our legislative champions and partners, particularly Senate President Stan Rosenberg, Senate Ways and Means Chair Karen Spilka, Speaker Robert DeLeo, House Economic Chair Joseph Wagner and Labor and Workforce Chairs Dan Wolf and John Scibak.   Special shout out to Senate Majority Leader Ken Donnelly for his longtime efforts to support and sustain the Workforce Competitiveness Trust Fund!  This was not an easy budget but we are glad some resources for job training, skills development, post secondary education, and youth employment were funded.

You can view WSG’s Budget Chart here


Economic Development Bill Crosses the Finish Line at the Closing Bell!

We are grateful to Economic Development Co-Chairs Chairs Senator Eileen Donoghue and Representative Joseph Wagner, as well as legislative leaders and members, for passing the Economic Development Bill before the end of session.  Included in the bill is $45 million over three years for skills training equipment for vocational and technical education programs in high schools.   Also included was $30 million for the Advanced Manufacturing, Hospitality and IT Training Fund, which would provide sector based training with employer partners, community colleges, apprenticeship programs and community based training providers, to fill critical labor vacancies in industries with available jobs.


Since this is a bond bill, these monies will have to be voted on in the future, but this bill authorizes the possibility. To read the final bill click here

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