The Workforce Solutions Group is proud that 17 key workforce development and training programs we have long prioritized have received nearly $193 million in the budget our partners in the legislature have sent to Governor Baker. This level of funding demonstrates clearly that these programs and the system as a whole have become a true priority for legislative appropriations. We are so grateful to the legislature for this commitment. Governor Baker has a historic opportunity to sign a budget with the most significant commitment for workforce development in recent memory, and certainly the biggest commitment ever when combined with all appropriations this session.
These 17 programs supported by nearly $200 million will help workers and jobseekers access the tools they need to gain employment and upward mobility, reducing barriers and enhancing skills for in-demand jobs. By investing in these programs today, the Commonwealth is also building talent for the future by empowering youth, preparing first-time workers, and reskilling and upskilling jobseekers pivoting in their career. These critical investments will ensure a stronger, more comprehensive, focused, nimble, integrated, and effective system.
We are hopeful the Governor will sign this historic budget so these valuable resources can serve as true pillars of our collective pursuit to deliver access, opportunity, and equity for Massachusetts jobseekers and workers.
Please view the full list of WSG’s priorities here: WSG Advocacy Pillars_FY23

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