The Workforce Solutions Group was pleased to testify in support of SB1006 and HB3160 at the recent hearing held by the Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce. Chaired by Senator Jason Lewis and Rep. Paul Brodeur, the hearing was to consider An Act to Diversify Use of the Workforce Training Fund to Support the WCTF (SB1006/HB3160) and other bills affecting workforce issues. Filed by the late Senator Ken Donnelly and Representative Joseph Wagner, SB1006/HB3160 would allow up to 5% of the Workforce Training Fund to be used for pipeline training, and would match those employer based funds with state dollars to enable up to $2.2 M per year to be used for training to upskill people for vacant jobs.
We were pleased to be joined by AIM (Associated Industries of MA) and the Job Training Alliance who also advocated for the bill. We hope for a favorable report from the Committee. If you would like more information or to submit testimony to the Committee please contact Kathie Mainzer at 617-263-3344.
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